
Sunday, August 16, 2015

MoveOn Petitions - Save the Proposed Crater Lake Wilderness from Logging

Save the Proposed Crater Lake Wilderness from Logging

To be delivered to Alice Carlton, Forest Supervisor for the Umpqua National Forest and James Peña, Regional Forester for Region 6 of the U.S. Forest Service
The U.S. Forest Service wants to log on 1,400 acres in Oregon’s Umpqua National Forest. This includes critical habitat for Northern Spotted Owls to nest, roost, and forage, and 500 acres of old-growth forest eligible for wilderness designation that is part of the proposed Crater Lake Wilderness. Today, less than 10 percent of the West’s forests remain unaffected by logging, roads, livestock grazing, or other disruptive activities. Yet forests serve an irreplaceable role as sources of clean drinking water, habitat for wildlife, and places for recreational and spiritual renewal. Send the U.S. Forest Service a message that we need to protect our wild forests and the native species they shelter.

MoveOn Petitions - Save the Proposed Crater Lake Wilderness from Logging

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