
Monday, November 25, 2013

Don't Let Pesticide Profiteers Poison the Wild

Pesticides are contaminating our water, and this toxic pollution can mean sickness or death for fish and wildlife as well as for people. More than 1,000 waterways in the United States are impaired by pesticide pollution: In a nationwide study, the U.S. Geological Survey found pesticides or their byproducts in every stream it sampled.

These chemicals can cause severe reproductive and developmental deformities, cancer, and even death in fish and amphibians. And their poisons can move up the food chain -- potentially landing in people who eat tainted fish and drink tainted water.
Right now the petrochemical industry and agribusiness are pushing Congress to let sneaky backdoor riders on this year's farm bill gut the Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act. They want to weaken rules that help monitor and protect our rivers and creeks from unsafe levels of pesticides and trample on pollution controls that protect rare and vanishing plants and animals.
Please -- take action now to tell your senators to protect our wildlife and waterways from pesticides by voting against the dangerous amendments in this farm bill.

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