
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Sign the Petition: Don't Frack Public Lands - Food & Water Watch

Sign the Petition: Don't Frack Public Lands

Delicate Arch in Arches National Park Utah
Delicate Arch, Utah
Arches National Park is part of the Colorado River watershed and surrounded by BLM lands being targeted by the oil and gas industry
One of the things that makes America great is our vast and cherished spaces. Millions of acres across our beautiful country are public, they belong to us — the American people. This land is your land! But this land, and many of our favorite iconic landscapes, are under threat from fracking.

The Obama Administration recently proposed new rules for oil and gas fracking on federal lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) — including those in the national forest system, and federal lands that are nearby many treasured national parks.

The BLM's proposed rules are weak, at best, and pave the way for corporate profits at the expense of our American treasures and essential resources. The BLM is seeking public comments on the proposed rules. Tell them Don't Frack Public Lands! Deadline for comments is August 23rd.
Please fill out the form below and edit the message as you wish. We'll add your name to the petition and submit the additional message to BLM as a public comment.

Sign the Petition here: Don't Frack Public Lands - Food & Water Watch

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