
Monday, May 20, 2013

Greenpeace - Oh Canada, Protect the Arctic from Oil Spills!

Oil companies like Shell think they can buy anything, including influence with politicians, the right to pollute and destroy our water and air, and to threaten people’s traditional way of life.

The next power grab is about to happen at the Arctic Council (an international body representing all Arctic nations), where oil companies hope to sway these Northern countries towards dangerous Arctic oil drilling. They are risking oil spills in fragile Northern waters - with consequences are too horrible to imagine.

The Arctic Council’s new Chair, Canada, has a choice -- either to uphold the Arctic Council’s environmental agenda and protect the region from oil spills, overfishing and further climate change devastation, or to allow oil companies to drill and spill in these remote, fragile waters.

Together we are going to hold Canada accountable and make sure that it steps up to do the right thing and protect the Arctic from oil companies like Shell.

Take action today and join our campaign to protect the Arctic. Tell Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper to uphold the Arctic Council’s environmental agenda and choose people, animals and the environment over dirty oil polluters.

Greenpeace - Oh Canada, Protect the Arctic from Oil Spills!

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