
Thursday, December 5, 2013

America Wants No Cuts!

I signed a petition to The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Barack Obama which says:

"Don't make a grand bargain in exchange for cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid benefits."

Will you sign this petition? Click here:


Monday, November 25, 2013

Don't Let Pesticide Profiteers Poison the Wild

Pesticides are contaminating our water, and this toxic pollution can mean sickness or death for fish and wildlife as well as for people. More than 1,000 waterways in the United States are impaired by pesticide pollution: In a nationwide study, the U.S. Geological Survey found pesticides or their byproducts in every stream it sampled.

These chemicals can cause severe reproductive and developmental deformities, cancer, and even death in fish and amphibians. And their poisons can move up the food chain -- potentially landing in people who eat tainted fish and drink tainted water.
Right now the petrochemical industry and agribusiness are pushing Congress to let sneaky backdoor riders on this year's farm bill gut the Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act. They want to weaken rules that help monitor and protect our rivers and creeks from unsafe levels of pesticides and trample on pollution controls that protect rare and vanishing plants and animals.
Please -- take action now to tell your senators to protect our wildlife and waterways from pesticides by voting against the dangerous amendments in this farm bill.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tell BLM to stop logging 300 Year old trees

I just sent a message urging BLM officials to stop logging old-growth trees.  We love big, old trees and we want to keep them wild! Please join us in doing the same by clicking on the link below!

Friday, October 11, 2013

No Forests for Fuel - Take Action!: NRDC's Save BioGems

I am shocked that Enviva is using trees to produce wood pellets and chips that are then burned by utilities like Drax and Dominion to generate electricity. The destruction of forests to produce fuel is endangering our health, our natural heritage and our climate. 

I am equally outraged that Dominion Power and Drax Group continue to burn millions of tons of wood, supplied by Enviva from our southern forests, in power plants. These operations fuel climate change and plunder our irreplaceable native ecosystems.

Mounting scientific evidence shows that burning wood pellets made from trees will increase near-term carbon pollution and accelerate climate change. Enviva now says it will double production of wood pellets in the coming years, which will only hasten this senseless destruction.

I am not buying Enviva's latest claim that its practices are acceptable because they involve cutting down "crooked and knotty" trees that are "waste" which can't be used in sawmills. Our forests are not trash! It is unconscionable for any company to treat them as such.

Our southern forests are home to countless species of plants and animals found nowhere else on Earth. They provide communities with clean air to breathe and clean water to drink. These forests are already under significant stress from industrial logging for wood and paper production.

I call on Enviva, Dominion Power and Drax to stop turning our forests into fuel. You should immediately change course and lead the way by investing in energy efficiency and generating electricity from clean energy alternatives, like mill and agricultural waste for pellets and true renewables like solar, wind and geothermal energy. The future of our forests, climate and health depends on it. I will be counting on NRDC to monitor your operations and keep me up to date on your practices.

No Forests for Fuel [test] - Take Action!: NRDC's Save BioGems

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

President Obama: Ban Fracking on Public Lands


I signed a petition to Sally Jewell, Secretary of the Interior and President Barack Obama which says:

"I am calling for a ban on fracking on all federal lands.

This land is our land and should be managed for the good of the people, not corporate profits for the oil and gas industry.

The Bureau of Land Management's proposed rules for regulating hydraulic fracturing on Federal and Indian lands are not only weak, but they do not take into account all of the harmful processes required to frack for oil and gas.

The best way to protect our air, water, wildlife, climate and public health is simply to prohibit this inherently dangerous form of fossil fuel extraction on public lands."

Will you sign this petition? Click here:


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Greenpeace - Tell President Obama to keep oil companies out of the Arctic

Tell President Obama to keep oil companies out of the Arctic

take action today!Right now, President Obama is considering whether or not to open up more of the Alaskan Arctic for oil drilling by launching a new round of lease sales for the Chukchi Sea.

What's at stake here isn't just one of the most beautiful, unspoiled places on earth. But the future of our climate. A few weeks ago the president made a bold climate promise to the American people, stating that he would not condemn our generation and future generations to a planet that is beyond fixing.

This Arctic lease sale could start any day now! In order to get the President's attention we need to flood the White House with urgent messages telling them to cancel this sale.

Take action today and join our campaign to protect the Arctic. Tell President Obama that we can’t stop global climate change by opening up more of the Arctic for oil drilling.
Greenpeace - Tell President Obama to keep oil companies out of the Arctic

Sign the Petition: Don't Frack Public Lands - Food & Water Watch

Sign the Petition: Don't Frack Public Lands

Delicate Arch in Arches National Park Utah
Delicate Arch, Utah
Arches National Park is part of the Colorado River watershed and surrounded by BLM lands being targeted by the oil and gas industry
One of the things that makes America great is our vast and cherished spaces. Millions of acres across our beautiful country are public, they belong to us — the American people. This land is your land! But this land, and many of our favorite iconic landscapes, are under threat from fracking.

The Obama Administration recently proposed new rules for oil and gas fracking on federal lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) — including those in the national forest system, and federal lands that are nearby many treasured national parks.

The BLM's proposed rules are weak, at best, and pave the way for corporate profits at the expense of our American treasures and essential resources. The BLM is seeking public comments on the proposed rules. Tell them Don't Frack Public Lands! Deadline for comments is August 23rd.
Please fill out the form below and edit the message as you wish. We'll add your name to the petition and submit the additional message to BLM as a public comment.

Sign the Petition here: Don't Frack Public Lands - Food & Water Watch

Friday, July 5, 2013

Save the Cameroon Rainforest | Greenpeace Africa

Stop Herakles Farms' project

A US company is planning to tear down a huge chunk of Cameroonian rainforest for its palm oil project.
This particular area of forest is home to thousands of people who stand to lose their land if the project goes ahead. It is also home to endangered wildlife like African forest elephants and the chimpanzees.
Send an email below to the CEO of Herakles Farms, demanding that the company drops its palm oil plans in Cameroon.

Save the Cameroon Rainforest | Greenpeace Africa

Monday, June 3, 2013

Tell the EPA You Want Lower, Not Higher, Limits on Monsanto's Roundup!

Tell the EPA You Want Lower, Not Higher, Limits on Monsanto's Roundup!

When does one plus one not equal two? When mounting evidence says glyphosate, the key ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup pesticide, does more damage to our health and environment than we thought. And the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) responds by approving higher, not lower, allowable limits of the pesticide residue.

Please sign the letter below. Tell the EPA you want lower, not higher, limits on Monsanto’s glyphosate and Roundup!

This month (May 2013) the EPA announced a final ruling to increase, yet again, the allowed residue limits in food and animal feed of glyphosate, the key active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide. Under the ruling, the allowed glyphosate level in animal feed will rise to 100 parts per million (ppm) and 40 ppm in oilseed crops.

There is precedence for final rulings to be revisited, even reversed, if enough people voice their opposition. The EPA will take comments on the ruling until July 1, 2013.
The EPA ruling defies sound science and undermines public health. Peer reviewed studies show rats fed diets as low as 2ppm of glyphosate were 70 percent to 80 percent more likely to develop tumors. Infertility, affecting both the sperm and the egg, was documented in animals subjected to glyphosate residue levels as low as .05 ppm. Birth defects in frog and chicken embryos resulted after being subjected to glyphosate residues of just 2.03 ppm.

Yet the EPA claims glyphosate is only “minimally toxic” to humans, and 40 ppm is nothing to worry about?

The EPA’s decision is all the more unjustifiable in light of two recently published, peer reviewed studies revealing glyphosate to be a far greater threat to human health than previously determined.

According to a study published in the journal Entropy in April 2013, glyphosate is related to debilitating diseases like gastrointestinal disorders, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, autism, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. The study says the negative impact on the human body is “insidious and manifests slowly over time, as inflammation damages cellular systems throughout the body… it may in fact be the most biologically disruptive chemical in our environment.”

A 2012 study published in the journal Archives of Toxicology showed Roundup is toxic to human DNA even when diluted to concentrations 450-fold lower than used in agricultural applications. Industry regulators and long-term studies look at glyphosate in isolation, instead of looking at Roundup’s full formulation, which includes secret added ingredients. These “confidential” and unlabeled ingredients, when measured as a whole, affect all living cells, including human cells.

Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide in the world. According to the EPA, at least 208 million tons of Roundup were sprayed on GE crops, lawns and roadsides in the years 2006 and 2007. In 2007, as much as 185 million pounds of glyphosate was used by U.S. farmers, double the amount used just six years ago.

A 2009 study found that Americans use about 100 million pounds of glyphosate annually on their lawns and gardens. It’s safe to assume all these number are much higher now. Why? Because GE crops are now being invaded by new strains of herbicide-resistant “superweeds” requiring higher and higher doses of poison.

Beyond Pesticides has assembled extensive documentation of past research linking glyphosate to increased cancer risk, neurotoxicity and birth defects, as well as eye, skin, respiratory irritation, lung congestion, increased breathing rate, damage to the pancreas, kidney and testes.

Glyphosate also endangers the environment, destroys soil and plants, and is linked to a host of health hazards. The EPA’s decision to increase the allowed residue limits of glyphosate is out of date, dangerous to the health of people and the environment and scientifically unsupportable.

Please sign the letter below. Tell the EPA you want lower, not higher, limits on Monsanto’s glyphosate and Roundup!

Organic Consumers Association

Center for Food Safety | Support the Pollinator Protection Amendment to the Senate Farm Bill

Support the Pollinator Protection Amendment to the Senate Farm Bill

June 3rd Congress comes back from recess and the Senate will resume debates on the Farm Bill.  While there are a number of possible amendments we have our eye on this year, especially those pertaining to the labeling of genetically engineered food, support for organic farmers, and a repeal of the “Monsanto Protection Act,” there’s one amendment in particular that we’re expecting to receive a ton of buzz: Senator Boxer’s pollinator protection amendment.

Over the past decade, honey bees and other pollinators have been suffering record-high population losses. Given that one in every three bites of food is reliant on bees and other species for pollination, the decline of pollinators demands swift action; our agricultural economy, food supply and environment depend on their well-being. Thankfully, Senator Barbara Boxer’s (D-CA) introduction of amendment (S. 954) to the Farm Bill would be a step in the right direction towards protecting honey bees and other pollinators if passed.

What exactly would this amendment require the government to do?

Amendment S.954 would help to ensure the long-term viability of populations of honey bees, wild bees, and other beneficial insects through several initiatives, including:

  • Establishing an inter-agency dialogue about pollinator health between the Department of Agriculture, Department of Interior and the Environmental Protection Agency
  • Creating a task force on bee health and commercial beekeeping
  • Directing the government to regularly monitor and report on health and population status of pollinators (including bees, birds, bats, and other species)
  • Compelling agencies to utilize the best available peer-reviewed science on environmental and chemical stressors to pollinators, including international efforts addressing pollinator declines
  • Assessing the feasibility for new public bee research labs
While the Farm Bill debates continue to be a rollercoaster of upsets and victories for small farmers, conservation groups and other stakeholders, it is important to remember that this five-year bill affects all of us, and all of us will be affected by the devastating pollinator losses plaguing our nation.  It is crucial that we take whatever steps we can, however small they may be, to work towards protecting these critical species and our future food security.

The Senate will resume voting on amendments next week, so please take action today and urge your Senator to support the Pollinator Protection Amendment!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Ban Genetically Modified Organisms Worldwide

I just signed this petition -- will you join me?

To: All Governments of All Nations, All Citizens of All Nations

The petition is really important and could use our help. Click here to find out more and sign:

Thursday, May 23, 2013

May 20, 2013 - Protect Papua New Guinea Indigenous Cave Dwellers from Rainforest Destroying Mafia

Notorious Malaysian illegal loggers Rimbunan Hijau have diversified into mining in primary rainforests, in East Sepik threatening unique nomadic cave-dwellers and their 20,000 year old ancient stenciled cave art. Support the local resistance and demand an end to indigenous genocide and rainforest ecocide in the name of false development that is little more than pillaging and plundering of cultural and biological diversity.

 Protect Papua New Guinea Indigenous Cave Dwellers from Rainforest Destroying Mafia

Monday, May 20, 2013

Greenpeace - Oh Canada, Protect the Arctic from Oil Spills!

Oil companies like Shell think they can buy anything, including influence with politicians, the right to pollute and destroy our water and air, and to threaten people’s traditional way of life.

The next power grab is about to happen at the Arctic Council (an international body representing all Arctic nations), where oil companies hope to sway these Northern countries towards dangerous Arctic oil drilling. They are risking oil spills in fragile Northern waters - with consequences are too horrible to imagine.

The Arctic Council’s new Chair, Canada, has a choice -- either to uphold the Arctic Council’s environmental agenda and protect the region from oil spills, overfishing and further climate change devastation, or to allow oil companies to drill and spill in these remote, fragile waters.

Together we are going to hold Canada accountable and make sure that it steps up to do the right thing and protect the Arctic from oil companies like Shell.

Take action today and join our campaign to protect the Arctic. Tell Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper to uphold the Arctic Council’s environmental agenda and choose people, animals and the environment over dirty oil polluters.

Greenpeace - Oh Canada, Protect the Arctic from Oil Spills!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Demand Government Protection For Sacred Sites in Belize - The Petition Site

A construction company has essentially destroyed one of Belize's largest Mayan pyramids with backhoes and bulldozers to extract crushed rock for a road-building project... We demand that the government make rules and laws that will stop this happening and protect these sacred land marks not only are these spiritual places and great places of importance to the world, but they are a link to our past that we can learn so much from...
This Mayan Pyramid was destroyed for greed and nothing more, it was there, it was cheap to destroy and use and we can get off with it and save money and it has to STOP, they need to be protected as historical landmarks and those who think of destroying them have to know that punishments will be severe, large fines plus prison time, loss of contracts and so on, more needs to be put in place to protect the history of humankind...
The Belize community-action group Citizens Organized for Liberty Through Action called the destruction of the archaeological ... more

Demand Government Protection For Sacred Sites in Belize - The Petition Site

Monday, May 13, 2013

Investigate Monsanto's Takeover of USDA

Investigate Monsanto's Takeover of USDA:

Monsanto, the world's largest biotech corporation, has monopolized our food system largely by taking over regulatory agencies like the U.S. Department of Agriculture.1

Join us in demanding a Congressional investigation:

Avaaz - The plan to kill orangutans

Sign the petition! Avaaz - The plan to kill orangutans:

To President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono of Indonesia, Minister of Forestry Zulkifli Hasan, and Governor of Aceh Zaini Abdullah:

As concerned citizens we urge you to reject the plan to cut down protected rainforests in Aceh. Indonesia’s majestic forests are a global treasure, and we encourage engagement with the local community to develop a plan that prioritises sustainable development, and that protects this fragile ecosystem and the animals that live there.

Write a letter for the Matsés - Survival International

There are around 2,200 Matsés living on the Peru-Brazil frontier in the Amazon rainforest.
In 2012, Canadian oil company Pacific Rubiales began to explore for oil on land inhabited by the Matsés and neighboring uncontacted Indians.
The company’s oil block ‘135’ lies directly over an area that has been proposed as a reserve to protect the uncontacted tribes.
Though the Matsés have repeatedly opposed the company’s work on their land, their protests have been ignored.

How you can help

Please urge the Peruvian government to cancel Pacific Rubiales’s contracts by writing to the Peruvian president, S. E. Humala.

Write a letter for the Matsés - Survival International

Read more - Support Oregon SB 438 and HB 2427 to stop GMO crops being grown in Oregon.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Save Oregon’s Rough & Ready And Baldface Creeks From Destructive Nickel Mining

Rough & Ready Creek is a beautiful rare plant reserve and tributary of Oregon’s Wild and Scenic Illinois River. Baldface Creek is a pristine tributary of the Wild and Scenic North Fork Smith River. The creeks are home to wild salmon and trout and some of the purest water in the West.

This fragile wild landscape of pristine rivers, world-class fisheries, and rare plants is at risk of being turned into an industrial wasteland of strip mines, nickel smelters, and ore haul roads. Just some of the dangers of nickel mining include high chromium content smelter slag, naturally occurring asbestos, air pollution, and surface and groundwater pollution.
Action Alerts — KS Wild

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Stop seismic airgun testing for oil and gas off the U.S. East Coast. | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government

Stop seismic airgun testing for oil and gas off the U.S. East Coast.

According to your Department of the Interior, seismic airgun testing for oil and gas in the Atlantic will injure or kill 138,500 dolphins and whales, including endangered North Atlantic right whales.

Seismic airguns and offshore drilling threaten commercial and recreational fisheries as well as ocean-based tourism and coastal recreation from Delaware to Florida. 730,000 jobs in this region depend on a healthy ocean. Seismic airgun testing is the first step toward expanding deepwater drilling, the same practice that caused the well-known Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster.

Offshore drilling is dirty and dangerous, and seismic airguns are an insult to ocean economies and ecosystems. With respect, we call on your administration to reject seismic airgun testing in the Atlantic.

Created: Apr 15, 2013

Monday, May 6, 2013

Stop California REDD Now! | Indigenous Environmental Network

 Citizens of the World,

Please sign this petition to Stop California REDD, which is the model for doing REDD throughout the world.
Make history by rejecting this market-based, land grabbing false solution to climate change which is bad for the planet, bad for people and does not really protect forests.

I urge you to reject the inclusion of REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) in the State of California’s Global Warming Solutions Act, AB32.
The four main reasons for rejecting California REDD are:
1. REDD is a false solution to climate change, which makes global warming worse.
2. REDD lets climate criminals like Shell and Chevron off the hook because it allows polluters to use forests as supposed sponges for their greenhouse gas and toxic pollution, instead of reducing pollution at source.
3. REDD lets polluters keep polluting and sickening Californians with asthma and cancer.
4. REDD has no guarantees to prevent human rights abuses. REDD is already causing social conflict and land grabs in Chiapas, Mexico, and violating Indigenous Peoples’ rights including the right to free, prior and informed consent.
California must not let climate criminals like Shell and Chevron off the hook, sicken its citizens, nor contribute to human rights violations. California must reject REDD now. Mother Earth depends on it.
Ashley Conrad-Saydah, Assistant Secretary for Climate Policy,
California Environmental Protection Agency
1001 I Street, Sacramento, California 95812
Arsenio Mataka, Subsecretary for Environmental Justice and Tribal Affairs,
California Environmental Protection Agency
1001 I Street, Sacramento, California 95812
Ronda Bowen, Ombudsman,
California Environmental Protection Agency
1001 I Street, Sacramento, California 95812
Jason A. Gray
Staff Counsel, California Air Resources Board
1001 I Street, Sacramento, California 95812

Stop California REDD! Stop REDD Worldwide!
Stop California REDD Now! | Indigenous Environmental Network:

Don't Outlaw Seed Saving #saveseed

I just signed this petition -- will you join me?

We don't accept this. Let us keep our seeds EU!
To: How many here know that the EU is preparing legislation that will make it illegal to grow crops that are not on a list of approved seeds?, Please sign EU have to stop this!

The petition is really important and could use our help. Click here to find out more and sign:

Thanks so much,

Thursday, May 2, 2013

End Ecocide in Europe

The European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) is a direct democratic tool enabling EU citizens to propose EU legislation. Signing an ECI is like voting. When at least 1 million EU citizens from 7 different countries support it, the law will be discussed at EU level. Contrary to an ordinary petition, it has the legal authority to influence politics.
Take action now.
 End Ecocide in Europe

WISH20 – Eradicating Ecocide

Wish20 is a global citizens initiative that maps the growing support for the law of Ecocide and gives world leaders the mandate to make it an international crime.

To place the Wish20 widget onto your website simply copy and paste the HTML code here.
Sign Wish 20 Now.
WISH20 – Eradicating Ecocide


Republicans in North Carolina are pushing outrageous legislation that would eliminate up to 95% of all early-voting locations in North Carolina's two largest Democratic-leaning counties – AND make parents pay a tax if their children register to vote at school.

Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


STOP THE GREAT LAKES NUCLEAR DUMP Petition: We can and must deliver an overwhelming wave of opposition to OPG's plan. Tell Minister Kent and the Canadian federal government to stand up for the protection of the Great Lakes.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Say no to CISPA

Fight with us against the Internet's newest threat, #CISPA. Let's stop this terrible bill. via @EFF #CISPAalert

Keystone XL means game over

I've just submitted a comment to the White House to reject the climate-killing Keystone XL pipeline.

Join me in this campaign here:

The 50 Million Missing Campaign

For 6 years, we at The 50 Million Missing Campaign have been working hard to tell the world about the ongoing female gendercide in India which has killed about 50 million women in the country in 3 generations through practices like infanticide, feticide, deliberate starvation and neglect of girl under 6 years, dowry murders, bride 'trafficking,' "honor" killings, and "witch"...

Sign the Petition:

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Don't frack our food and farms!

I signed a petition to Bob Abbey, Director, U.S. Interior Bureau of Land Management, James G. Kenna, Calif. State Director, Bureau of Land Management, and David Christy, Central Calif. Public Affairs Officer, Bureau of Land Management which says:

"California is the largest producer of food in the U.S. Fracking and farming cannot co-exist. If we frack California's farms, we put the entire country's food supply at risk. Please stop auctioning off California's public lands to the oil and gas industry for fracking."

Will you sign this petition? Click here:


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Friday, April 12, 2013

Teach kids, not stereotypes

The principal at Valley Charter High School in California put forward a program that would divide students by sex — giving the boys opportunities for business internships while teaching the girls how to dress like 'ladies.'
Noah, a sophomore at the school, rallied the students together to protest this harmful segregation by wearing t-shirts that said "teach kids, not stereotypes." The principal backed off the program for now, but is still considering it for next year. Stand up with Noah and his friends to make sure that it never comes back.

Dress Like A Lady | American Civil Liberties Union

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Stop the Trophy Hunt - Faltering Light - Sign the Petition

The Petition - Dear Premier Clark:

Please stop the trophy hunting of bears in British Columbia. 

Sincerely, the undersigned petitioners.

Stop the TPublish Postrophy Hunt - Faltering Light - Sign the Petition

Friday, April 5, 2013

Democracy For America - No Cuts to Social Security

Our Petition to the White House: 

President Obama, do not propose Social Security and Medicare benefit cuts in your budget. It’s wrong and it’s not what we voted for. We will fight to kill any bill in Congress that includes cuts to these benefits.

Democracy For America - No Cuts to Social Security

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Food Democracy Now | Obama signs Monsanto Protection Act! It's Time to Label GMOs!

We regret to inform you that late last night President Barack Obama signed H.R. 933, which contained the Monsanto Protection Act into law. President Obama knowingly signed the Monsanto Protection Act over the urgent pleas of more than 250,000 Americans who asked that he use his executive authority to veto it. President Obama failed to live up to his oath to protect the American people and our constitution.
Today we’re calling on President Obama to issue an executive order to call for the mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods.
Not only is GMO labeling a reasonable and common sense solution to the continued controversy that corporations like Monsanto, DuPont and Dow Chemical have created by subverting our basic democratic rights, but it is a basic right that citizens in 62 other countries around the world already enjoy, including Europe, Russia, China, India, South Africa and Saudi Arabia.
Join us in demanding mandatory labeling of GMO foods. Now's the time!
Food Democracy Now | Obama signs Monsanto Protection Act! It's Time to Label GMOs!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Food Democracy Now | Congress passes Monsanto Protection Act, All hands on deck!

We regret to inform you, but today Congress succeeded in passing Section 735, aka the Monsanto Protection Act, in the Continuing Resolution spending bill. Once again, Monsanto and the biotech industry have used their lobbying power to undermine your basic rights. We need you to contact Congress and tell them you are outraged. With the Senate passage of the Monsanto Protection Act, biotech lobbyists are one step closer to making sure that their new GMO crops can evade any serious scientific or regulatory review.
This dangerous provision, which we're calling the Monsanto Protection Act, strips judges of their constitutional mandate to protect consumer and farmer rights and the environment, while opening up the floodgates for the planting of new untested genetically engineered crops, endangering farmers, citizens and the environment.
We are asking that you take action here and then call Congress to shut down their phone lines until Section 735 is removed from the CR before the President signs. Join us in putting a stop to the Monsanto Protection Act!

Food Democracy Now | Congress passes Monsanto Protection Act, All hands on deck!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Tell Ben & Jerry’s: You’re Boycotting Their Products until...

Tell Ben & Jerry's: You're Boycotting Their Products until They Throw Some Dough into the Washington State Ballot Initiative and the Vermont GMO Labeling Campaign.

Speak Up for Polar Bear Cubs - NWF Action Fund Action Center

Help protect polar bears by editing and sending a message to President Obama, urging him to limit carbon pollution from coal fired power plants.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Support GMO cancer research

Why this is important

A 2012 study by Professor Gilles-Eric Séralini’s team at the University of Caen, France showed that eating GM maize and low doses of the Roundup pesticide with which it is grown damaged the health of rats over the long term ( for more information ). Other studies on GM foods also show toxic effects.

Support GMO cancer research

Saturday, March 2, 2013


Add your name and tell House Republicans to stop putting millionaire tax breaks before the middle class.
The deadline to prevent the sequester is only days away. If House Republicans don't act soon, brutal, indiscriminate cuts will cost our economy over two million jobs.
President Obama and House Democrats agree: it's wrong to ask the middle class the bear the full burden of these cuts while billionaires get to keep their tax breaks. 
Follow the link to sign.


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Stop The Trap | OpenMedia International

You could have to pay a fine for simply clicking on the wrong link.

Right now, a group of 600 industry lobbyist "advisors" and un-elected government trade representatives are scheming behind closed doors1,2 to craft an international agreement called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

Stop The Trap | OpenMedia International

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Charge the officers who shot at a misidentified truck, injuring 2 unarmed women for attempted murder.

Police shoot two women in Torrance in search for ex-LAPD cop. Charge the officers who shot at a misidentified truck, injuring 2 unarmed women for attempted murder.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Tell the EPA: Immediately suspend the pesticide that's killing bees!

Tell the EPA: Immediately suspend the pesticide that's killing bees!: Scientists have long thought that clothianidin is at least partially to blame for the alarming rate that bees have been dying off in the U.S. - nearly 30% of our bee population, per year, has been lost to so-called colony collapse since 2006. Sign the petition now.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Deadline Thursday - Tell the Obama administration: Do not export fracked gas

What's worse for the climate than fracking? More fracking. And that's exactly what we'll get if the Obama administration signs off on permits for 16 fossil fuel megaprojects that are currently sitting on his desk.

Deadline Thursday - Tell the Obama administration: Do not export fracked gas

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Help Protect African Lions from Hunters | IFAW - International Fund for Animal Welfare

IFAW is working hard to ensure the US Government lists African lions as Endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). African lions are threatened with extinction in the wild and we have a duty as Americans to protect this iconic species.
Please use the form on the right to write a personal note to Department of Interior Secretary Kenneth Salazar, care of Jeff Flocken, IFAW’s Washington DC Director.
We will submit all letters together to the Fish and Wildlife Service at the end of the 60-Day Public Comment Period. It is critical that the U.S. government receives hundreds of thousands of notes during the public comment period urging it to protect lions.

Help Protect African Lions from Hunters | IFAW - International Fund for Animal Welfare