
Tuesday, April 30, 2013


STOP THE GREAT LAKES NUCLEAR DUMP Petition: We can and must deliver an overwhelming wave of opposition to OPG's plan. Tell Minister Kent and the Canadian federal government to stand up for the protection of the Great Lakes.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Say no to CISPA

Fight with us against the Internet's newest threat, #CISPA. Let's stop this terrible bill. via @EFF #CISPAalert

Keystone XL means game over

I've just submitted a comment to the White House to reject the climate-killing Keystone XL pipeline.

Join me in this campaign here:

The 50 Million Missing Campaign

For 6 years, we at The 50 Million Missing Campaign have been working hard to tell the world about the ongoing female gendercide in India which has killed about 50 million women in the country in 3 generations through practices like infanticide, feticide, deliberate starvation and neglect of girl under 6 years, dowry murders, bride 'trafficking,' "honor" killings, and "witch"...

Sign the Petition:

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Don't frack our food and farms!

I signed a petition to Bob Abbey, Director, U.S. Interior Bureau of Land Management, James G. Kenna, Calif. State Director, Bureau of Land Management, and David Christy, Central Calif. Public Affairs Officer, Bureau of Land Management which says:

"California is the largest producer of food in the U.S. Fracking and farming cannot co-exist. If we frack California's farms, we put the entire country's food supply at risk. Please stop auctioning off California's public lands to the oil and gas industry for fracking."

Will you sign this petition? Click here:


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Friday, April 12, 2013

Teach kids, not stereotypes

The principal at Valley Charter High School in California put forward a program that would divide students by sex — giving the boys opportunities for business internships while teaching the girls how to dress like 'ladies.'
Noah, a sophomore at the school, rallied the students together to protest this harmful segregation by wearing t-shirts that said "teach kids, not stereotypes." The principal backed off the program for now, but is still considering it for next year. Stand up with Noah and his friends to make sure that it never comes back.

Dress Like A Lady | American Civil Liberties Union

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Stop the Trophy Hunt - Faltering Light - Sign the Petition

The Petition - Dear Premier Clark:

Please stop the trophy hunting of bears in British Columbia. 

Sincerely, the undersigned petitioners.

Stop the TPublish Postrophy Hunt - Faltering Light - Sign the Petition

Friday, April 5, 2013

Democracy For America - No Cuts to Social Security

Our Petition to the White House: 

President Obama, do not propose Social Security and Medicare benefit cuts in your budget. It’s wrong and it’s not what we voted for. We will fight to kill any bill in Congress that includes cuts to these benefits.

Democracy For America - No Cuts to Social Security