
Friday, October 26, 2012

Stop the Trophy Hunt - Faltering Light - Sign the Petition

The Petition - Dear Premier Clark:

Please stop the trophy hunting of bears in British Columbia.

Sincerely, the undersigned petitioners.

Stop the Trophy Hunt - Faltering Light - Sign the Petition

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Stop subsidising biofuel rainforest destruction

As citizens concerned for our future and the planet, we oppose subsidies for power-stations burning bio-liquid fuels. We agree with your own Chief Scientific Advisor, Professor Sir John Beddington, who said, “Cutting down rainforest to produce biofuel crops is profoundly stupid.” So-called sustainability certificates are worthless because new demand causes new plantations. Subsidies for burning Biofuel crops make global warming worse, destroy tropical forests and endangered species, cause gross human rights abuses, raise world food prices, raise electricity bills to consumers and demonstrate that the government favours big-business over poor people. Germany and The Netherlands have seen sense and stopped these subsidies. Cancel them now. 

Stop subsidising biofuel rainforest destruction

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Justice for the Recent Totonicapán Massacre in Guatemala

 We demand that the government of Guatemala swiftly and effectively investigate, prosecute, and sentence the intellectual and material perpetrators of the massacre of the K'iche' people of Totonicapán on October 4th, 2012. We also demand that the administration of Gral. Otto Pérez Molina take the necessary steps to effectively dismantle the military apparatus that it has deployed to fulfill what should be the functions and duties of the National Civil Police Force (Policía Nacional Civil, PNC).

Justice for the Recent Totonicapán Massacre in Guatemala

Demand Justice for the Massacre in Totonicapán, Guatemala

On October 4, 2012, Maya K’iche’ communities carried out a peaceful protest organized by the Alcaldía Indígena (Indigenous authority) of the 48 Cantones of Totonicapán, in regions of Alaska, Xecanchavox and Cuatro Caminos in the highlands in Guatemala.
The protesters demanded:
1. That the State work to scale back the most recent hikes in electricity costs;
2.     That the government take a holistic approach to national education reform;
3.    That the government reverse the trend toward militarization of civil society, reflected in the proposed constitutional reforms.

Click here to sign the petition now

Monday, October 1, 2012

Tell TSA to Keep Its Hands to Itself

Our friends over at TSA News have been documenting numerous cases of these abuses by the Transportation Security Administration:

** Detaining people simply because they can. The TSA detains people at whim.  This is unlawful detention.
** Searching for or questioning passengers about anything other than WEI -- weapons, explosives, and incendiaries -- is expressly forbidden by law. The TSA is not allowed to search for or question you about money, drugs, immigration papers, or anything else. These are illegal searches.
** Groping people's genitals, including directly on the skin.

All of these TSA actions and others are heightening fear, promoting acceptance of racial profiling, and functioning in sync with a foreign policy that generates hatred, under the mistaken belief that giving up our rights will make us safe. Tell the TSA you reject these actions!  

Click to sign the petition now!

Tell TSA to Keep Its Hands to Itself