
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Expand Protections for Hawaiian Monk Seals - The Petition Site

Expand Protections for Hawaiian Monk Seals - The Petition Site

Don't Let Big Coal Destroy Bryce Canyon National Park! - The Petition Site

Don't Let Big Coal Destroy Bryce Canyon National Park! - The Petition Site

Tell Cruise Ships to Stop Spewing Filth Into Our Pristine Oceans! - The Petition Site

Tell Cruise Ships to Stop Spewing Filth Into Our Pristine Oceans! - The Petition Site

Stop the UK from Prosecuting Trafficked Children as Criminals - The Petition Site

Stop the UK from Prosecuting Trafficked Children as Criminals - The Petition Site

Protect Canada's "Pocket Desert" as a National Park - Save Endangered Species! - The Petition Site

Protect Canada's "Pocket Desert" as a National Park - Save Endangered Species! - The Petition Site

Save the Lolo 75 - Protect Wolves from Federal Sharpshooters - The Petition Site

Save the Lolo 75 - Protect Wolves from Federal Sharpshooters - The Petition Site

Save Traditional Farming in the UK! - The Petition Site

Save Traditional Farming in the UK! - The Petition Site

Polar Bears vs. Global Warming

Here are my results for the Quiz I found on

Polar Bears vs. Global Warming: How Are Bears Faring?

Thanks for taking the quiz! Find out how you did below.

What is the biggest threat to polar bears caused by global warming?
  • Warmer weather in the north that encourages more oil development in polar bear habitat
  • Less snow so polar bears' camouflage is less effective
  • CORRECT! - Loss of sea ice habitat, which makes it harder for bears to find enough food. Polar bears must hunt from sea ice for their food, primarily seals. As the ice disappears, bears are unable to hunt for the seals on which they depend.
21341 responses
How is global warming impacting some polar bear populations?
  • Fewer cubs are born or survive to become adults
  • Many adults are increasingly skinny
  • Bears are forced to swim longer and longer to find ice, from which to hunt for food
  • CORRECT! - All of the above In a recent trip to the Hudson Bay,
    National Wildlife Federation staff investigated reports of skinnier-than-normal polar bears. Sadly, there is already filmed footage of cubs dying of starvation.
21341 responses
What fraction of the world's polar bears do scientists project we could lose by 2050?
  • One-fourth
  • One-half
  • CORRECT! - Two-thirds The U.S. Geological Survey projects that two-thirds of polar bears will disappear by 2050. This dramatic decline in the polar bear population is occurring in our lifetime, which is but a miniscule fraction of the time polar bears have roamed the vast Arctic seas.
  • Three-fourths
21341 responses
What is the status of polar bears on the Endangered Species List?
  • CORRECT! - Threatened The Secretary of the Interior listed the polar bear as threatened throughout the United States but is currently allowing oil and gas development in the polar bear's habitat in Alaska.
  • Endangered
  • They are not on the list
21341 responses
BONUS: Which law already on the books can be used to fight global warming and help polar bears?
  • Clean Water Act
  • CORRECT! - Clean Air Act The Supreme Court rules that the Environmental Protection Agency has the authority under the Clean Air Act to regulate carbon dioxide emissions.

Take Action for Polar Bears: Reduce Your Carbon Footprint - The Petition Site

Take Action for Polar Bears: Reduce Your Carbon Footprint - The Petition Site

Stop Commercial Shipping From Killing Whales - The Petition Site

Stop Commercial Shipping From Killing Whales - The Petition Site

Save Wolves from Wyoming's Shoot-On-Sight Policy - The Petition Site

Save Wolves from Wyoming's Shoot-On-Sight Policy - The Petition Site

Stop Poisoning the Boreal Forest - The Petition Site

Stop Poisoning the Boreal Forest - The Petition Site

Keep Clean Air Standards on Track! - The Petition Site

Keep Clean Air Standards on Track! - The Petition Site

Stand Up Against Japan's Refusal to Renew the Kyoto Protocol - The Petition Site

Stand Up Against Japan's Refusal to Renew the Kyoto Protocol - The Petition Site

Tell the President: Protect the Grand Canyon from Uranium Mines - The Petition Site

Tell the President: Protect the Grand Canyon from Uranium Mines - The Petition Site

Ban Compound 1080 and Other Wildlife Poisons - The Petition Site

Ban Compound 1080 and Other Wildlife Poisons - The Petition Site

Encourage Russia to Take Action Against Climate Change - The Petition Site

Encourage Russia to Take Action Against Climate Change - The Petition Site

Endangered Species Under Attack - The Petition Site

Endangered Species Under Attack - The Petition Site

Dunes Lizard Under Attack by Oil and Gas Industry - The Petition Site

Dunes Lizard Under Attack by Oil and Gas Industry - The Petition Site

Protect the Coral Sea - The Petition Site

Protect the Coral Sea - The Petition Site

Protect Bristol Bay Once and For All From Oil and Gas Development - The Petition Site

Protect Bristol Bay Once and For All From Oil and Gas Development - The Petition Site

Protect the Arctic Ocean - The Petition Site

Protect the Arctic Ocean - The Petition Site

Label Genetically Engineered Food - The Petition Site

Label Genetically Engineered Food - The Petition Site

Ask DIRECTV to Pull Its Anti-Wolf Ad | Care2 Causes

Ask DIRECTV to Pull Its Anti-Wolf Ad | Care2 Causes

Friday, January 6, 2012

organicconsumers -- Tell the rBGH Profiteers Why You Buy Organic to Avoid Genetically Modified Bovine Growth Hormone

organicconsumers -- Tell the rBGH Profiteers Why You Buy Organic to Avoid Genetically Modified Bovine Growth Hormone

organicconsumers -- Get GMOs Out of Organic Baby Food!

organicconsumers -- Get GMOs Out of Organic Baby Food!: Get GMOs Out of Organic Baby Food!
Tell the National Organic Standards Board to Reject Martek's Petition for Life'sDHA and Life'sARA!

Stop Agent Orange Corn!

No Agent Orange Corn!
Tell the USDA Not to Approve New 2,4-D-Resistant GMO Crops

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is ready to approve a new corn variety that is genetically modified by Dow Chemical to be resistant to the herbicide 2,4-D. This dangerous chemical was a major component of the herbicidal warfare program in Vietnam under the now infamous name of Agent Orange.

There is a large body of evidence indicating major health problems resulting from exposure to 2,4-D that include cancer, reproductive problems, neurotoxicity, and immunosuppression.
The first round of "RoundUp Ready" herbicide resistant crops only helped to breed super-weeds that are a nightmare to farmers. Urge President Obama and USDA Sec. Vilsack to protect America's farmers and our unborn children. Please take action by February 27, 2012, to stop new 2,4-D resistant genetically engineered crops!

Click the link below to send a letter to;
President Barack Obama (D)
Secretary Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture
Administrator Gregory Parham, Administrator, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

Stop Agent Orange Corn!